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Plus­One and sensor data attract visi­tors.

POS TUNING reviews the fair

POS TUNING — the specia­list for product presen­ta­tion at the point of sale — showed at this year’s Euro­Shop in Düssel­dorf from 16.02. — 20.02.2020 how retail stores can largely elimi­nate annoy­ing, but neces­sary work through auto­ma­tion and digi­ta­li­sa­tion — such as brin­ging the goods to the front of the shelf, the daily stock recon­ci­lia­tion or the moni­to­ring of theft-endan­ge­red artic­les. The aim of the company from Bad Salzu­flen is to offer retail­ers more time for the shop­per through the use of intel­li­gent tech­no­logy. Oliver Voßhen­rich, mana­ging share­hol­der of POS TUNING: “In the age of online shop­ping statio­nary retail stores have exactly three advan­ta­ges: The imme­diate avai­la­bi­lity of products, the expe­ri­ence of the products with all senses and the perso­nal on-site custo­mer care. With our solu­ti­ons we ensure that the stores can make even better use of its advan­ta­ges”. The summary of POS TUNING after the fair is excel­lent. During the 5 days more than 700 inte­res­ted parties from over 60 count­ries infor­med them­sel­ves about the services of the company.

New Compart­ment Program

With the new Compart­ment program POS TUNING presen­ted a shel­ving system which provi­des extreme stabi­lity and flexi­bi­lity. With only three compon­ents (divi­der, push­feed, fastening rail), complete assort­ments can be auto­ma­ted. The high­light: through the use of univer­sal push­feeds every assort­ment modi­fi­ca­tion is mere child’s play. The new fastening tech­no­logy is also inge­niously simple. For all auto­ma­tion solu­ti­ons only one univer­sal adap­ter rail is needed. The adhe­sive rail allows simple remo­ving from the shelf for clea­ning and sits firmly again after clea­ning, whether the shelf is made of wood, plas­tic, metal or wire.

For the most diffe­rent place­ment requi­re­ments POS TUNING has deve­lo­ped stan­dards that are successfully used today in more than 120 count­ries around the world.

With special front risers, which can either be put into the exis­ting U‑channel of the shelf or into the new univer­sal rail, POS TUNING provi­des a “clear view” of the products in the first row. A special manu­fac­tu­ring process ensu­res that the highly trans­pa­rent front risers don’t break and the goods in front come to a safe stop.

Plus­One brings more space

Another focus of this year’s trade fair appearance was the gene­ra­tion of more space in exis­ting areas. With special product carri­ers (Plus­One shelf) and with special shelf inserts (duplex pusher, double stack presen­ter) POS Tuning crea­tes up to 60% more space in the same area. This means that the place­ment of new products and flavours beco­mes possi­ble in the first place. Anyone who has to replace their old refri­ge­ra­tor units because of the F‑Gas regu­la­tion can directly install the special goods carri­ers “Plus­One” from POS TUNING. The product carri­ers can off course be retro­fit­ted in all common sales furni­ture.

neoalto supplies sensor data

The relia­ble systems to opti­mize the product presen­ta­tion are supple­men­ted by the intel­li­gent sensor elements of the part­ner company neoalto. These elements can be simply instal­led on the now more than 160 million push­feeds in the market.

What in 2017 was still shown as a proto­type at Euro­shop has now been estab­lished as a comple­ted product. By the end of this year more than 250,000 facings are plan­ned to be equip­ped with the sensor elements. The sensor data from neoalto helps both retail­ers and manu­fac­tu­r­ers to elimi­nate tedious manual acti­vi­ties at the POS, such as manual inven­tory, stock correc­tions or visual control of plano­grams. Through auto­ma­tion and digi­tiza­tion, retail­ers and manu­fac­tu­r­ers save time, which they now can use to serve their custo­mers. The shop­per bene­fits from the perma­nent avai­la­bi­lity of his favou­rite products at the POS. POS TUNING and neoalto promise that the costs for the digi­ta­li­sa­tion tech­no­logy will be amor­ti­sed from day one — the custo­mer pays monthly for the data used and does not have to make any invest­ment of his own.

Successful Euro­shop

“The Euro­shop 2020 was a complete success for us. We have estab­lished great cont­acts and were able to attract new projects. We are looking forward to the next Euro­shop in 2023”, summa­ri­zes the mana­ging share­hol­der Oliver Voßhen­rich.